Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Attention Babywearers

Babywearing has become really important to me. It is the only way I can get anything done. When big government attempts to needlessly reduce my choice as a consumer as well as put many skilled women out of business it ticks me off. If you haven't visited TBW in a while (or ever) they have a most upsetting news brief:

(copied from TBW website for the link averse)
TBW Statement Opposing the Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvement Act
There is little more important than keeping children safe. However, The Babywearer is gravely concerned about the impact of the pending Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvement Act. We believe that if this Act is enforced, there will be serious economic consequences on the child/baby product industry, and specifically to manufacturers of babycarriers.

The Act would require ALL manufacturers - including small business owners who sew their products by hand and artisans who sell to help support their art - to submit each piece of their product for cost-prohibitive government-approved testing. Each component - buttons, threads, fabrics, padding, etc. would need to be tested independently for lead content. The cost and extent of this lead testing would be impossible for any small business to afford.

Thousands of small businesses will be forced to close. Consumers will have fewer products to choose from. In the babycarrier world, the only products that will remain will be ones those that are manufactured en masse - and are widely considered inferior to those made in smaller quantities.

The date that CPSIA is set to be enforced has already earned a nickname by many experts: "National Bankruptcy Day."

Please write to your Senators and Congressperson and express your concern about the CPSIA.

More information:
Petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/e...SIA/index.html
About the bill:
Read more about what's being dubbed National Bankruptcy Day here:

(Of course, if you live in my illustrious State, you have to wait to find out who the highest bidder is until you write said Senator. I <3 Patrick Fitzgerald.)


Melrose said...

I just found your blog, so hi, my name is Melanie :) and I came over from CSPP.

I loved your birth story. After growing up in a typical mainstream family, they were horrified when I said "homebirth"...so it's always nice to meet a fellow crazy...er..homebirther ;D After all, it used to be the only way, right? Nice to meet you! :)

mz said...

Hi Melanie!

It's always nice to meet another crazy lady :)

Thanks for stopping by!!