Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Craptastic Day

It has been one of those days. In fact, it has been one of those days all week. Baby girl is 9 months and has 8 teeth already, every one of them hard fought. She is now currently working on the molars of doom. We just had an inconsolable screaming bout, the likes of which have not been seen since the bucket car seat was in use. Mercifully she is now sleeping and I pray God that she will stay that way for just a little while. Naps are a joke and nighttime sleep isn't much better. Her most favored comfort - nursing - seems to cause her pain as well. I can't tell you how much I hate not being able to help her feel better. Pray for us!!


MooreMama said...

Mine is fighting allergies. And normal sleep. And, while I *think* she might be trying to teeth, there are no signs of anything coming up just yet. DH keeps telling me to get used to not being able to fix everything. (sigh.) I'm the MAMA! I WANT to fix everything. I hate it when I can't. :(

Rebekah said...

Early teeth are cruel and unusual punishment for everyone. :( My li'l dude is working on those same teeth, but he's got 6 months on her!