Saturday, November 1, 2008


How to prepare a balanced lunch:

1) Hold baby that will not sleep anywhere but on mom in non-dominant arm. (Kick yourself for not popping her in the Beco before she fell asleep.)

2) With dominant hand, take out the staple frijoles refritos and tortillas from refrigerator. Go back for the mini-cupcakes on the higher shelf and set on counter for later consumption.

3) With dominant hand, open container of beans and spoon into bowl to be microwaved. Warm tortillas on the comal. Be sure to stand 2 feet back from the stove and sideways so that sleeping baby does not come anywhere near the flame producing appliance.

4) Eat standing up. Call family dog to clean detritus that is not caught by sleeping baby's onesie.

As I finished my lunch today, I realized my meal was nearly nutritionally complete. All that was missing was something green. Then I realized that that's what the sprinkles on the cupcakes are for!


Dawn said...

LOL! Good work. :)

Quesadillas are my pregnancy/postpatum staple. Easy to make, and still taste fine after a few hours on the counter. :D

Rebekah said...

I'm impressed. All I can ever manage to get eaten is bananas and cookies. :P