Sunday, March 30, 2008

Not Your Grandfather's Nappies - Part I

As I have just narrowly avoided being branded a reproductive heretic by most of our family by sharing our decision to homebirth, I have not even mentioned the fact that I want to use cloth diapers for this baby. I fear it might cause fits of apoplexy, so out of love for my neighbor I'm keeping my plans on the QT.

Here are the reasons I want to make it work, in order of importance:

1) CDing is healthier for baby. Most disposable diapers stake their claim to fame on absorbency. The reason they are so absorbent is due to sodium polyacrylate gel embedded in the paper fibers of the diaper. From what I understand, the gel sticks to baby's bottom and can be seen when doing a diaper change. For those who may not know, sodium polyacrylate is the gel that was banned from tampons back in the 80's/90's as it caused toxic shock syndrome. Albeit that the gel is not applied internally to baby, I really do not want that substance in contact 24/7 with baby's most sensitive areas.

Most disposables also contain dioxin, a known carcinogen, which is a by-product of the chlorine bleaching of paper fibers. The exceptions to this rule are diapers made by Seventh Generation.

Another health benefit of cloth is less diaper rash. Because the cloth diapers must be changed more frequently, the yeast and bacteria that can cause diaper rash do not have as much opportunity to establish themselves and cause discomfort. CD's and their covers are generally more breathable as well, also contributing to less bouts with diaper rash.

2) Budget. You can save buku bucks by cloth diapering. That being said, you can also spend a small fortune buying "boutique" products to cover baby's tush. (Sorry kiddo, you don't need a Cadillac on your bum when a Ford Escort will do you just fine.) The Real Diaper Association has a good summary of the potential savings, and they touch on the health benefits too. The cost effectiveness of CD's really comes into play when there will be multiple children in diapers.

3) Environment. Again, I defer to the Real Diaper Association. Poo getting into the water table via the landfill is just icky.

4) They're really cute!

5) Babies who are cloth diapered tend to potty train earlier since they are able to better discern when they are wet.

Part II will include an overview of the various types of cloth diapers. Stay tuned!

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